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Welcome to the Lebanon County Planning Department

Welcome to the Lebanon County Planning Department

In addition to general community planning activities, the Lebanon County Planning Department (LCPD) provides technical assistance to local municipalities preparing and updating land use plans and ordinances and assists the County Commissioners, as needed, on a wide variety of other county planning projects.

What Services do we provide?

Updated Information regarding Planning (5/5/2020)

Lebanon County is a county in transition. As a result of the 2000 Census, rural Lebanon County was reclassified to an urban county, and with that change came new responsibilities and requirements. The Lebanon County Commissioners determined that a new emphasis on planning was needed to manage the effects of past growth and to strengthen guidance for community development and resource protection for the 21st Century. As a result, with the financial assistance of the Pennsylvania Departments of Transportation, Community and Economic Development, Conservation and Natural Resources, and Environmental Protection, the county spent three years preparing the 2007 Lebanon County Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted on December 13, 2007. With over 300 action items presented, the Comprehensive Plan provides the county and its planning partners with a document to map the county's future.

In addition to general community planning activities, the Lebanon County Planning Department (LCPD) provides technical assistance to local municipalities preparing and updating land use plans and ordinances and assists the County Commissioners, as needed, on a wide variety of other county planning projects. Furthermore, the LCPD functions as the lead staff agency for the LEBCO MPO and provides planning and administrative support services for the MPO's transportation planning activities. The department also serves as a repository for county, municipal and demographic information, including the latest U. S. Bureau of Census population figures.

The County of Lebanon is one of the founding partners of the Lower Susquehanna Center For Land and Water. The Center for Land and Water is a coalition of businesses and organizations committed to protecting land and water resources in the Lower Susquehanna region. A copy of the Strategic Plan for the Lower Susquehanna Center for Land and Water is provided for your review.

As a review and/or enforcement agency for local municipalities, the LCPD either monitors activities on or develops and administers regulations dealing with zoning, land use and environmental issues within Lebanon County. Additionally, the LCPD enforces the Lebanon County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, which contains stormwater standards for most of the municipalities in Lebanon County. Furthermore, as a part of the 1972 Federal Clean Water Act, the department is providing technical assistance to the county and local municipalities required to implement the MS4 Program.

The LCPD enforces the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act of 1965 for most municipalities in Lebanon County. This includes permitting, inspection and management of on-lot sewage disposal systems. The department also acts as the Zoning Enforcement Agent for most municipalities, which includes permit issuance for all new construction. Finally, certified Code officers from the LCPD enforce minimum construction standards for one and two family dwellings in many municipalities in the county. See LCPD Enforcement Jurisdictions.