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Welcome to the Lebanon County Community Action Partnership

Welcome to the Lebanon County Community Action Partnership

Community Action Partnership Logo

Our mission is to actively encourage economic security for Lebanon County residents in need through in-house services and by collaborating with community resources.

What Services do we provide?

Lebanon County Community Action Partnership provides an array of services to Lebanon County residents through a variety of programs.  Services include child care assistance, transportation, case management, rental assistance, shelter assistance, bridge housing, shelter housing, tax preparation, and barrier remediation. Funding for these services is received from the Department of Human Services, Department of Community & Economic Development, and Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Lebanon County Community Action Partnership was designated a community action agency by the Governor of Pennsylvania in 1991.  Community Action Agencies are the lead agencies in anti-poverty planning for the Commonwealth and are authorized through Act 116.  The goal of Community Action is to move people from poverty to self-sufficiency.

The Lebanon County Community Action Partnership’s Advisory Board meets the second Tuesday of March, June, September, and December at 1:30pm, either virtually or in room 207 of the Municipal Building. Please contact CAP office, prior to meeting, for location.

Related Links

No Wrong Door 2024
 A Lebanon County resource guide.

Lebanon County Human Services Directory
A recent, thorough listing of human services available within the county of Lebanon.

Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP)
CAAP is recognized by Pennsylvania's policy setting and legislative groups as the authority on issues of poverty, self-sufficiency, and community development.